What is epigenetics and why is it important?

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Epigenetics refers to all mechanisms of gene expression regulation, independent of DNA sequence, which can be classified into four main groups: ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes, DNA and histone modifications, and non-coding RNAs. These processes regulate gene expression by modulating chromatin structure or by controlling binding of transcription machinery to DNA. One of the important features of these mechanisms is that they can be affected by countless factors, including physiological and pathological stimuli, as well as by environmental factors such as thoughts and emotions, speech, physical activities, work habits, frequencies of the living environment, diet, smoking and Adjust alcohol.

What is the mechanism of making cells in our body and what is it controlled by?

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The latest scientific research has proven that everything in the world emits electromagnetic vibrations. Our thoughts and feelings, words, objects, food, environments and places, tools and equipment used everyday, etc., all of which affect the expression of genes.

Cells use their electrical properties to control gene expression. It has been proven that the most important effect of electromagnetic waves is the stimulation of genes. Genes are the basic units of genetic information related to parts of DNA that are able to produce proteins. Electromagnetic waves lead to changes in gene expression with epigenetic changes (without changing the DNA sequence).

From the point of view of classical or Newtonian science, the human body is like a machine made of matter that can only be changed by chemicals (drugs).

The science of quantum physics says that everything is made of energy and proves that the way proteins are made in the body, other than chemicals, change their structure through signals received from the environment, and since consciousness is an energy field, it is one of the important factors in controlling the behavior of proteins and As a result, life is controlled. Man is a field of energy that receives environmental frequencies every moment and emits vibrations.

The British physicist named McClellar proves during an experiment that the energy signals received from the environment have a greater impact on the behavior and performance of our body than the signals produced by drugs.
And in another experiment published in the journal Nature, it is proved that the function of proteins in the body is governed by the laws of quantum physics, not classical physics, for this reason, you cannot look for the answer to the question of how life works in conventional physics and chemistry books. Because all these books are written based on the laws of classical physics.

Mental states, health and illness of a person are very much related to the environment in which he lives, and many people have been researched whose cancer has completely disappeared and been cured after changing their place of residence or lifestyle.

Classical physics, which is the basis of all conventional sciences today, is based on the premise that the material world is separate from spirituality and mind, but in the modern age, quantum physics reveals that mind and consciousness affect matter, so they will not be separate, and according to Albert Einstein “The mind is the only force that governs the body”

The belief that genes turn on and off by themselves and determine the fate of DNA no longer has scientific support. Scientists fully explain the epigenetic mechanism, which is the main factor in determining the fate of DNA and controlling the behavior of genes in the body. How environmental signals, or actually our perception of environmental signals, determines our genetic expression, and genetic determinism, which says that you have no influence in determining the behavior of your genes and are in fact a victim of your heredity, is a completely wrong belief.

For example, identical twins who are genetically identical at birth, over the years and different personal experiences, one may develop cancer and the other not.
The work of the mind is actually creating a connection and coherence between our beliefs and the reality of our lives. It is our beliefs that make our lives, for example, the effect of placebos has been used in medical science for nearly 100 years, a positive belief that a placebo, which is probably no more than a sugar pill, can heal and heal a person.

The first seven years of a person’s life is the most important time period in the formation of a person’s personality, because during these years the brain vibrates at low frequencies that records everything it sees and hears without judgment. Science has proven that we spend 95% of our day thinking, and this means that 95% of the day and night control of our body biology and behavior is in the hands of our subconscious mind! Contrary to the belief that exists in the current medical science, the main and primary cause of disease in the body is not genes, but thoughts and emotions.

According to the research results of the American Psychological Association, more than 90% of diseases on this planet are related to stress. That is, we pass environmental signals through the filter of false beliefs, and with misconceptions and misunderstandings, we cause pressure on the body system and, as a result, diseases arise. A part of the DNA is lost each time the cell divides, so what makes the DNA information not disappear each time the cell divides and the body can replace new and complete cells?
The research conducted in the early seventies showed that at the end of each DNA there is a part that is not coded and every time the cell divides, this part prevents the loss of DNA information and as a result the death of the cell, its name is telomere and its length Telomere is equal to the lifespan of our cells and therefore the lifespan of our body!

But what factors determine telomere length? Is telomere length limited or can there be intentional interference in increasing the length of telomeres?

The scientific answer is: Yes, it is definitely possible to regenerate telomeres in our body by changing the environmental frequencies.

With the advancements of science in various fields of health, electronic engineering, computer and artificial intelligence and bioresonance, equipment has been produced that helps researchers and therapists in the field of genetics and epigenetics in relation to the analysis of the body at the DNA level. Therefore, the science of epigenetics will have a special place in the electronic health networks and health technology in the coming decades.

In the new century, it is possible for electromagnetic frequencies and vibrations, which are the main cause of changes in the expression of genes, to be analyzed and scanned by advanced devices, and even in the changes and correction of these frequencies and helping the body to improve health, it is possible to These devices helped. Therefore, disorders can be observed at the level of DNA, the possibility of pre-diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases using new technologies is easily possible.

Currently, one of the newest and most accurate automatic devices in this field is the Biophilia Lotus device.

In addition to scanning and analyzing all organisms and microorganisms, this device has the ability to analyze more than 300 items of DNA and RNA. The most important thing about the Biophilia Lotus device is that it is completely non-invasive and without side effects.

Epigenetics and bioresonance

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Normal and abnormal responses to environmental stimuli may be mediated by epigenetic mechanisms. Epigenetic changes are reversible and can be changed by environmental factors. The three-dimensional structure of chromosomes in the nucleus is important for many cellular processes, including the regulation of gene expression, DNA replication, and chromatin structure.

Experiments conducted by Peter P. Garyov and colleagues in Moscow confirmed that chromosomes and DNA produce laser radiation. They proposed that

1) There are genetic messages;

2) The chromosomal system simultaneously acts as a sender and receiver of these genetic messages and decodes and encodes them respectively;

3) The chromosomal chain acts as a holographic gate that can reflect weak electro-acoustic fields and weak laser light. The distribution of frequency features in genetic messages is fractal, so DNA nucleotides are able to create holographic pre-images of biological structures. He hypothesized that genetic information exists in a quantum, wave form in addition to the coded form. This model proposed fundamentally different ways to treat patients with cancer, viral diseases, bacterial infections and degenerative processes in organs and tissues.

Disruption of the electromagnetic energy system can disrupt DNA transcription and suppress the activity of T lymphocytes and natural killer cells, all of which can lead to chronic degenerative diseases, depression, and other problems. Electrons can absorb and emit photons, and this is why DNA electrons act as a storehouse of biophotons. It is believed that the specific vibration rate of each biophoton activates specific gene sequences through resonance. It is known that DNA repair can be done using 528 Hz frequency. At this particular frequency, the clustered water molecules surrounding the DNA structures form a perfect hexagon.

Epigenetics is the same as geneology or genetics in which the effect of environmental and external factors on the expression of genes, how genes are read and its effect on human health and disease is studied. Today, during many researches conducted by experts in epigenetics, it has been proven that unlike in the past, the origin of many diseases is genetic, it is affected by environmental factors. One of the clear examples in this field is cancer.

In the past, it was thought that cancer is only genetic and that every person suffering from cancer got the disease gene from their parents. Today, it has been proven that environmental factors such as lifestyle (unhealthy diet, inactivity, stress, etc.) are effective factors in the occurrence of cancer, and people without having a family history are affected by this disease.

Now the question here is whether, apart from disease, behavior, mood, happiness or anger are also epigenetic? Therefore, we decided to discuss behavioral epigenetics in detail in this article. Therefore, we suggest you stay with us until the end of this article.


Epigenetics and the inheritance of acquired characteristics

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In 1809 (two centuries ago), Lamarck proposed the idea that some hereditary changes are caused by direct environmental influences and that these acquired characteristics and traits can also be inherited. Lamarck believed that different organisms during the evolution of several thousand years, when they use a body part repeatedly, that part becomes stronger, more developed and bigger, and if a part is used less, that part eventually It becomes weaker and weaker and gradually disappears.

Accordingly, Lamarck believed that when any factor in nature causes organisms to gain or lose something, it is due to the fact that they have been conditioned by it over many generations. As a result, this need or lack of need can gradually turn into stable changes and be passed on to the next generations.

This view of Lamarck played a significant role in spreading the idea of ​​evolution, but it was rejected by some scientists due to Darwin’s view and then due to the discovery of DNA. The interesting thing is that in recent years, the modified form of Lamarck’s view has been noticed again. Today we know that environmental epigenetic factors without changing the DNA sequence can change the way genes are expressed by turning them off or on.

In this section, we will describe three general models of inheritance:

Mendelian inheritance:

In this model, inheritance is done by transferring the alleles of genes from parents to children (without the influence of environmental factors on the alleles).

Lamarckian inheritance:

In this model of inheritance, traits are carried out by transferring the alleles of genes from parents to children (with the influence of environmental factors on the alleles).

Inheritance based on the epigenetic perspective:

In this model, genetic inheritance and inheritance of acquired characteristics and traits happen parallel to each other. In addition, in this model, the inheritance of epigenetic features is influenced by the environment, but changes occur in the genome of organisms, their phenotype and the way their genes are expressed, and there is no change in the DNA nucleotide sequence.

اپی ژنتیک

Behavioral epigenetics

In the science of epigenetics, it is said that; During their lifetime, genes make proteins that are able to take different forms in different environmental conditions and produce different phenotypic results. So, epigenetics creates a double level of complexity of genetic codes. Environmental factors and changes can change the function of genes and finally the acquired characteristics can be transferred to the next generation.

One of the clear examples of behavioral epigenetics is how birds nest. According to the environmental conditions in which they have lived during their evolution, birds have learned skills for a specific form of nesting. These skills are fixed in the genes of birds and transferred to the next generation. That is why we see different ways of nesting by birds in nature. This is a sign of the inheritance of acquired traits that can be explained by epigenetic processes.

In fact, behavioral epigenetics is a branch of epigenetic science that studies the role of epigenetic changes in the formation of the behavior of living organisms.

Are behavioral traits like happiness and violence heritable?

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It has been proven that many diseases and traits are caused by epigenetic changes. Now we want to see what behavior epigenetics considers related to epigenetics in humans. According to behavioral epigenetics, it can be said that individual differences in human personality and behavior can be due to the stabilization of acquired characteristics, although this stabilization of behavior in the human genome may have happened over a long period of time. In relation to how much behavioral characteristics such as happiness and violence can be created by epigenetic changes and then transferred to the next generation, it must be said that yes, behavioral characteristics such as mood, happiness and violence are strongly influenced by conditions. They are environmental. Through numerous researches, it has been proven that happiness is affected by genes related to serotonin transporter, DRD2, DRD4, MAO-A, cannabinoid receptor gene (CNR1) and… In addition, during the research conducted in relation to the inheritance of violence on twins and non-twin siblings, the researchers also emphasize the heritability of violence. Because the possibility of committing violence and criminal behavior in monozygotic twins (monozygotic or identical) is more than dizygotic twins (bizygotic or non-identical). The ratio of these behaviors among identical twins is 51.5% on average and 20.6% among non-identical twins. Genes such as the gene that breaks down catecholamines, dopaminergic genes (DAT1, DRD2 and DRD4) and some genes on the Y chromosome are effective in violent behavior. In relation to the effect of epigenetics (behavioral epigenetics) on the emergence and incidence of violence and happiness, research has been conducted and they have come to the conclusion that environmental conditions can change the expression of genes related to violence or happiness and other human behaviors. For example; During their research, researchers have come to the conclusion that when a child experiences maltreatment or other challenging events, if they genetically have the short allele of the serotonin transporter gene (5HTTLPR), in Symptoms of depression and unhappiness are seen in them throughout their life, because having this type of allele, low serotonin levels are observed in them, so they show a lower level of happiness than other people. A very important point is that environmental characteristics before and after birth can activate epigenetic mechanisms and cause epigenetic changes, thus showing behaviors such as violence, happiness, depression, etc.

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