Specific frequency spectrum of organs and diseases

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Rife frequency therapy

Rife’s universal microscope made it possible to observe living organisms (even viruses) with absolute clarity. This was the first step in finding cures for diseases, as he wanted to see how living organisms reacted to different stimuli. So he finally found a way to destroy them. Rife stimuli were frequencies created by an electromagnetic field. When Rife exposed a pathogen, virus, or bacterium to a certain frequency and then observed that the pathogen began to vibrate and then weaken or completely dissolve, he knew he had found the microorganism’s resonant frequency.

This frequency was known as the Mortality Oscillation Rate (MOR). If the intensity of this oscillation was strong enough, the resonant frequency would kill the microorganism and/or weaken it so that the body’s immune cells could clear it from the body. A high-intensity MOR frequency applied to a microorganism is harmful to that organism, but does not harm a larger host such as a human or animal because the host has a much more complex structure than the microorganism.

“Rife technology devices” can range from simple to complex with different application capabilities. Smaller units can be the size of a cell phone, while larger units are the size of a computer. Some of them transmit waves wirelessly, some of them use hand-held electrodes, while some still use tubular beams. The user enters the desired frequency or selects one of the pre-installed programs. The resulting electromagnetic field, while energizing the cell, inactivates or destroys the body’s microorganisms.

In countries such as Germany and Romania, Rife technology is widely researched and there are numerous medical articles on the subject. Its recognition as a forensic medical care means that the technology is freely used in clinics and clinics. In North America, only about ten manufacturers make Rife-style devices. But there are more companies in Europe and Russia that produce frequency generators.

Today's frequencies

There are tons of lists on the internet that offer specific healing frequencies for almost every disease imaginable. Some of these lists are classified by type of microorganism, while others are by frequency value.

A very interesting point to note is that while Rife’s early work only focused on the frequencies that kill bacteria and viruses (although he knew that frequencies also affect yeasts, etc.), modern researchers claim that lethal frequencies have been found for yeasts and molds, various protozoa such as amoeba, parasites and worms such as fluke and even for some insects. The universal assumption is that low frequencies are lethal to normal organisms. It seems that more complex organisms such as mammals are not affected by these frequencies.

It is important to note that there do not seem to be any negative side effects when using the frequencies, and so far no one has claimed to have identified any bad or dangerous frequencies.

A final theory that explains how Rife frequencies kill microorganisms is this: the electric potential caused by an external magnetic field leads to the exchange of ions along the cell membrane of microorganisms. This exchange of ions will lead to profound changes in the chemical environment of the cell, for example in the pH of the cell (acidity). Under the influence of such changes, the proteins located in the cell membrane are denatured, depolarized and lose their hydrogen bonding, i.e. they change their shape and change from solid normal strands to a random structure.

As a result, they lose their ability to properly participate in the chemical reactions that keep the cell alive. This process leads to the weakening of the cell wall and finally its disintegration. Alteration of cellular proteins results in the pathogen losing its ability to bind to other cells or participate in chemical reactions with the body’s cells, although more severe alteration of the pathogen’s cell wall completely destroys it.

The most important part of Rife frequency therapy is using the “right frequency” in a very clear and precise way so that it is effective.
A lot of effort has gone into collecting, recording and disseminating these frequencies. The following are the most important frequency sources.

Integrated Annotated Frequency List (CAFL)

CAFL lists frequencies from several sources. The main problem with CAFL is that the frequency complexes may be too large even for mild diseases. But all known frequencies are included in the hope that at least one of them will be useful.

Non-Integrated Frequency List (NCFL)

The NCFL consists of several primary lists that were combined to produce the CAFL. It may be valuable for displaying complex frequency summaries, but it does not contain anecdotal frequencies, some of which are most useful because they have been developed recently. It also contains Huldah Clark frequencies and a list of “encrypted” frequencies for devices that hide frequencies from the user. The Huldah Clark frequency set (in NCFL) can be useful if the causative agent is known.

Cross Frequency Reference (CAFL XREF)

CAFL is a frequency index and lists all items for which a particular frequency is used.

Rife's lethal swing rate (MOR)

Here is a list of frequencies Rife used at various times throughout his life. These frequencies are considered some of the original sine wave frequencies. They are mostly digitized from an Original Rife document. Some of the frequencies that are on the Oxyrife site as basic Rife frequencies have also been added.
A complete set of frequencies can be found in the book Electroherbalism Frequency Lists.


Book title: Bioresonance the Truth
Author: loannis Anagnostopoulos
Translator: Dr. Mehtab Jahan Shahtalab

Nenah S. (2018). The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health: an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases, 5th Edition.
Oschman JL. (2000). Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis. Edinburgh, England: Churchill Livingstone.

Pappas, P.T., Wallach, C. (1993). Oscilations in cancer therapy. Reilly JP. (1998). Applied Bioelectricity: From Electrical Stimulation to Electropathology. New York: Springer.

Scoon A. (2001). The End to All Disease. Everyday Practical Electronics: Vol 30, No 4.UK.
Sharma, A., Maurya, A.K. (2017). Aggregate Frequencies of Body Organs. \nternational Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS), pp. 94-98, Volume-5, Issue-11. http://ijmas.iraj.in/paper_detail.php?paper_id=10195&name=Ag gregate_Frequencies_of_Body_Organs

Suwansin, W., Phasukkit, P., Pintavirooj, C., Sanpanich, A. (2012). Analysis of heat transfer and specific absorption rate of electromagnetic field in human body at 915 MHz and 2.45 GHz with 3D finite element method. \n Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEICON), pp. 1-4. IEEE.

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