The emergence of bioresonance devices

Albert Abrams, in 1909, introduced the term radionics, also called electromagnetic therapy (EMT). The basis of his theory is that the human body is nothing more than a collection of vibrating electrons that give the human body a characteristic signature.
Abrams claimed that based on this signature, he could not only diagnose disease, but also cure it. Abrams invented the Dynamizer for his training, a device that analyzes a drop of blood to diagnose disease.
Then another device called Omnipotent Oscilloclast performed the treatment process by sending radio waves to the patient’s body.

Schmidt's method
Paul Schmidt was a German engineer and one of the pioneers of bioresonance research. In 1976, using a frequency generator, he discovered under what conditions the body optimally resonates to produce the best therapeutic results. During these experiments he discovered surprising connections, which led him to build his own resonator, which forms the heart of modern “Paul Schmidt” biresonance devices.
He discovered that underlying diseases are characterized by frequencies below 100 kHz. As a result, it must apply frequencies below 100 kHz to the body so that the corresponding regulatory process can resonate. Shortly after tuning into this frequency, he could observe a resonance that was not only not twice as large as he expected, but ten times larger than he expected.
For example, if he observed resonance at 72.50 kHz, after tuning, he would also observe resonance at 725.0 kHz. These observations led him to conclude that diseases follow a carefully programmed oscillatory course until they disappear.
At the same time, it was concluded that it is possible to detect diseases before they occur. According to his observations, the onset of diseases always occurs in a very high frequency range, and if resonance can be created with this frequency, the new frequency that is created will be ten times lower than the previous frequency, which also needs to be harmonized. By re-tuning this frequency, the new frequency is once again reduced by a factor of 10.
After some time, the frequency reaches the range of 100 kHz, in which condition the disease can be diagnosed by orthodox medicine. The lower the frequency that needs to be tuned, the more time it takes to tune, so the time needed to tune may be more than 20 minutes per frequency. Very high frequencies can be tuned very quickly, sometimes within seconds.
Therefore, “Paul Schmidt bioresonance” can reveal problems much earlier than orthodox diagnostic tests. By understanding the importance of this method, it will be very easy to find disturbances in the early stages and coordinate them.
Schmidt wanted to introduce many frequencies into the body at the same time, ten times the original frequency, for this purpose he created a passive dipole antenna system. This system consisted of a fixed surface and a moving rod and worked passively without an external power source. Depending on the chosen angle between the fixed surfaces and the moving rod, it was possible to generate the oscillation characteristic of bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt’s method.
Although Schmidt initially thought that frequency generators were not very practical for permanent medical applications, he used these frequency generators to develop Paul Schmidt’s first bioresonance device, which he called the Sanotron. With the help of this original bioresonance device, it became possible to influence the regulatory mechanisms of the human body in a very simple way.
At that time there were very few known fundamental frequencies that could be tested, however with these frequencies the first experiments and tunings were made and provided a good basis for further development.
Schmidt's method
From the beginning of Paul Schmidt’s research, he realized that the bioresonance response is not only positive but also negative depending on the intensity of the frequencies and the shape of the oscillating waves.
He also realized that not all waves are the same shape. A natural oscillation, such as the oscillation of sunlight, has sine waves that are in sync with living organisms. But there is also a square waveform of the same frequency. These square waves, commonly emitted by modern mobile communication systems, lack energy and are only used to kill microorganisms.

There is another form of oscillation which is the triangular wave. This waveform is always used in medical technology when the body needs stimulation. Using his experiences and experiments, Schmidt found that only the synchronized sine wave is gentle enough to produce the most appropriate harmonizing and therapeutic effects without the possibility of causing harm.
Three important criteria for bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt are:
1. Appropriate frequency
2. Appropriate intensity
3. The proper side swing shape
The concept of MORA

Dr. Franz Morel is the spiritual father of MORA therapy
As early as 1953, Morrell was a member of the electroacupuncture testing research team under Dr. Voll. In 1957, he started the first food intolerance tests in patients. He observed that the index drop that occurs in patients with food intolerance can be overcome by testing the appropriate fortified drugs.
In 1958, Dr. Morrell proved the effectiveness of tested homeopathic remedies. His test consisted of taking blood from the person before the test and measuring the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in it. Then, at most 1-2 minutes after administering the tested homeopathic medicine, he would take blood from the person again and measure the ESR index again.
If the drug was working properly during the test measurement, the ESR would improve between 30 and 70 percent. If the test was not working properly, there would be no improvement in the ESR index. What bothered Morel was that the improvement in the ESR index appeared very quickly, only one minute after the subcutaneous injection of the drug. However, as it is known, usually the duration of drug effect after subcutaneous injection is at least 20 minutes.
Therefore, Morel concluded that the improvement in ESR index is not due to the biochemical effects of the drug on the red blood cells, but due to other different mechanisms. In 1972, Dr. Kramer claimed that he could test a drug by placing a test ampoule in a metal test tube 4 mm larger in diameter than the ampoule. In this situation, the information is transferred from the metal tube to the patient’s body by the cable.
Kramer concluded that there is some kind of electromagnetic oscillation similar to radio waves in the drug and that this radiation can be produced during the treatment test. Morel was fascinated by this finding and 2 years later, in 1974, he finally succeeded in proving the electromagnetic nature of homeopathic remedies with the help of a drug-testing transceiver that his son-in-law Erich Rasche had built for him. In the following period, Morel devoted himself to the careful study of the range of frequencies at which homeopathic remedies affect the body.
After the development of the drug testing transmitter and receiver, it became possible to reach this goal. As a result, it was proved that low amplification radiates low frequencies, medium amplification radiates medium frequencies, and high amplification radiates higher frequencies. After all these studies and observations, Morel thought of the following:
1. If homeopathic medicines have the ability to balance abnormal values in acupuncture points
2. If these drugs emit electromagnetic waves
3. If these frequencies can be transmitted under wireless conditions
4. If it is possible to achieve the same balancing effect on acupuncture points by using such oscillations transmitted wirelessly.
5. If the oscillations caused by drugs interact with the oscillations of the body, which is seen in the phenomenon of drug testing, then it means that electromagnetic oscillations with the same intensity are present and active in the patient’s body. So it can be used to achieve therapeutic goals by re-transmitting the body’s oscillations to the body itself.
Thus, the idea of treating patients using their own particular oscillations was born.
Morel, based on his research, asked Tronik Erich Rasche to create a therapy device that would be able to use the vibrations of the patient’s body. In 1977, the first device of this type was built. All the parameters of this device, which was brand new at that time, were determined through Electro-acupunciure tests and previous research.
The idea of MORA, the development of the device and the research work associated with it, were so closely related to these two people that they decided to name it after their own names, MOrell and RAsche. At first the name was only specific to the device, but eventually the treatment using this device and everything related to it became known as MORA therapy.
The principle of the MORA device
In this device, there is no circuit for the patient, which means that it does not rely on electric currents passing through the patient’s body. The device has two parts, the input circuit and the output circuit, which are not connected to each other.
Because there is no conductive connection between the input and output of the device, there is no patient circuit.
This difference is not observed externally, because in some conditions the patient is required to hold two hand electrodes.
In the figure opposite, you can see the electronic design of the device.

The input circuit is used to measure the body’s natural resonance, the oscillations that occur at different sensitive points. Every organ in the body and every cell and every part of an organ has its own unique natural resonant frequency. Each organ may emit a range of frequencies. This frequency spectrum is a set of harmonics that represent the natural oscillations of the body as a whole and all its parts.
Input circuit
The exact value of each of these frequencies is not considered, and the real goal is to measure the signal strength in the input circuit and evaluate whether the vibration strength is too high or too low. Morrell devised a scale from 0 to 100. Zero means the system is dead, while the highest point on the scale, 100, indicates destructive vibrations.
A midpoint of around 50 is considered a healthy level of indication that the body is functioning on this scale. A normal intensity level usually means that there is no pathological problem, but if the measurements show high or low vibrations, it means that the organ is disturbed and there is a disorder.
Morel’s measurement system indicates that when the index is above 50, the organ is well balanced, values above 60 to 100 indicate inflammation in different stages, and values below 50 to 10 indicate the presence of defects and degenerative processes. , this view is fully in line with the principles of EAV.
A MORA device may be electric (very little direct current is produced by the device), but it is not used to generate an electrical circuit. All it does is stimulate the sensitive point by the appropriate amount, like a mouse click or a finger press on a touch screen.
Output circuit
After identifying which organs and oscillations are problematic, the output circuit is used to treat the patient. which is directed to the other arm, leg, ear, etc. or at another acupuncture point. Treatment is achieved by applying output vibrations (oscillations) that are created from the inverted signal of the input vibrations. 50 is considered as the normal value and no oscillation is given to the output. But if an index is too high or low, a balancing signal is applied to decrease or increase the signal, respectively.
It has been proven in both physics and electronics that an existing oscillation can be compensated, neutralized, or eliminated by interacting with an inverse oscillation of the same amplitude and frequency. In other words, the primary oscillation and the reverse oscillation must have the same wavelength, must be spatially equally aligned, must be equally strong, and must occur simultaneously. To eliminate a swing, the reverse swing must be chosen so that its width and shape are spatially exactly opposite to the main swing by 180 degrees.
The goal of the treatment is to balance the intensity of the fluctuations in the patient, and the whole treatment process is considered as a balancing exercise, which is usually done only once. Deep, long-term conditions may require more than one treatment, but they do not require repeated treatments unless the cause is persistent.
Morell found that the enhanced drugs also emitted oscillations, so the device’s input could be connected to the drug and the signal and intensity measured. In homeopathic medicine, the intensity of the signal is determined and is directly related to strengthening the substance. In fact, MORA equipment can be used for drug testing and then for prescribing.
It is possible to test the suitability of drugs as a treatment for a disease by using different drug ampoules. As we have seen, homeopathic medicines work based on the principle of similarity. A drug determined by drug testing to cause certain symptoms in its insoluble form, when administered as a homeopathic booster, is capable of treating a disease with similar symptoms.
This disease is still the result of pathological fluctuations and these fluctuations can be measured in sensitive points. The more the body’s vibrations and the medicine’s vibrations match, the more they cancel each other out, causing the acupoint readings to be closer to the normal value of 50.
This device can also be used to test for allergens. Ampoules of substances known to cause frequent allergic reactions can be combined with the patient’s symptoms.
Separation of frequencies
In 1979, an important innovation was introduced: a separator attributed to Ludger Mersmann, used to separate physiological and pathological frequencies, was discovered.
The isolator (molecular absorption circuit) was a device in which the electrical signal was connected to a small container of biochemical composites that resonated only with normal oscillations and at pathological frequencies that differ from patient to patient depending on the disorder and disease. Similarly, frequencies related to electromagnetic and geopathic interference do not pass through this filter.
Therefore, the isolator only resonates with the harmonic frequencies, not the out-of-tune frequencies. In this method, the unharmonized frequencies are separated from the harmonious frequencies and transferred to the output of the separator as an electrical signal. Later, a very similar molecular absorption circuit was invented and installed in place of the original separator by Erich Rasche and Wolfgang Ludwig.
Rasche and Ludwig initially suggested diluted hemoglobin or chlorophyll as a suitable substance. Later, various minerals were also used in powder form. This substance was in a small container about 2 cm in size, which had two coils to couple and separate the electrical signal. A third coil was used to prevent aging of the material.
Book title: Bioresonance the Truth
Author: loannis Anagnostopoulos
Translator: Dr. Mehtab Jahan Shahtalab
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