All beings emit electromagnetic waves at the quantum level, which have different characteristics depending on the nature of the object.
Dr. Voll discovered that the frequency of oscillations of the human body is between 100 and 150 Hz, and the frequency of normal tissue is different from diseased tissue. This important discovery gradually became the basis of resonance therapy. They found that brain tissue has a frequency of 150 Hz, the immune system has a frequency of 67 Hz, and nervous tissue emits waves with a frequency of 100 Hz. These frequencies indicate the health status of the cells and the body. The human body consists of billions of cells, in each of which an average of 7,000 chemical reactions occur per second. Therefore, this complex system needs an efficient system for coordination and communication. Cells communicate with their environment and other cells through electrical and chemical signals. The creation of different responses at the cellular level in different parts of the body can be attributed to these continuous electromagnetic signals.
For example, it has been seen that during the process of mitosis, radiation occurs in the cell with the wavelength of the ultraviolet range, and with this method, the cell sends a division signal to other cells and controls the speed and extent of cell division. Since all cells and macromolecules emit waves, the presence of any pathogen, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc., affects the radiation of cell waves and changes their natural frequency. Not only the presence of these factors, but also the occurrence of various diseases such as cancer, etc., affect these frequencies, and these changes can be tracked by advanced equipment.
In general, the advantages and disadvantages of bioresonance:
Advantages of bioresonance:
Accurate and fast pre-diagnosis and diagnosis
Prevention and treatment of diseases
Being non-invasive and without side effects
Cheap and easy to use
Disadvantages of bioresonance:
It is not usually used for emergency and surgical cases.
Diagnosis and treatment mechanism in bioresonance:
Diagnosis in bioresonance:
It has been scientifically proven that the cells of the human body send and receive electromagnetic signals. When there is a disturbance in the electromagnetic waves of the cells, due to virus, bacteria and in general due to pathogenic factors, disease occurs. Bioresonance devices work through electromagnetic vibrations with a very low frequency and can enter information into the person’s body. When the cells of the human body are healthy, the body’s electromagnetic waves are a constant wavelength and do not change, and the bioresonance device reports the tissue as healthy according to that wavelength.
But if a cell or a set of cells (tissue) get sick, the characteristics of cellular changes will change, and the bioresonance device can understand that the tissue is diseased by comparing this change. In fact, each DNA and each cell vibrates a unique electromagnetic wave, which is unique like a fingerprint, and the vibration of each cell is different from another cell.
Bioresonance treatment:
The treatment mechanism of bioresonance device is according to one of the laws of physics, which says that similar wavelengths intensify each other and create a wave with a larger amplitude, i.e. more energetic, and opposite wavelengths weaken each other and create a wave with Shorter range means less energy.
In fact, the mechanism of the bioresonance device is in this way that after detecting uncoordinated oscillations, the device tries to correct these oscillations and bring them closer to their optimal level, as a result, the cell will find the necessary energy for regeneration and the process of recovery and treatment will go through. . In fact, in this method, the cell heals itself by obtaining the necessary energy.
But for viruses, bacteria, and pathogenic agents, the bioresonance device sends a wavelength opposite to the wavelength of the pathogenic agents to the body, and the result in the body is that the range of that wave is shorter, meaning it has less energy. Finally, with a little repetition, these pathogens will disappear.
Therefore, the mechanism of diagnosis and treatment is that the bioresonance devices receive these electromagnetic waves through sensors by scanning our body and by analyzing these waves, they return them to the cell and lead to the correction of the destructive cell frequencies.
Bioresonance devices separate the received frequencies into healthy and unhealthy frequencies and by amplifying and resending healthy frequencies to the tissues, they lead to an increase in the energy and efficiency of the cells and neutralize the unhealthy waves with a phenomenon called resonance and conditions for improvement and provide tissue regeneration.
Considering the nature and capabilities of bioresonance, this technology will definitely be one of the most important pillars of electronic health networks and health technology in the coming decades.
Bioresonance device:
There are various devices with bioresonance technology, which are divided into two main categories:
1. Automatic bioresonance devices or NLS bioresonance devices that provide the ability to analyze cloud data with artificial intelligence.
High accuracy (about 95%, usually the accuracy of these devices is equal to CT scan or MRI)
Quick analysis, whole body scan takes about 90 minutes.
The possibility of scanning the whole body, which includes 900 organs and more than 57,000 frequencies + all microorganisms and pathologies, etc.
It has more than 5300 diagnostic and therapeutic sets of different medicine.
No need for bioresonance knowledge.
Graphical and very simple software environment.
It has several treatment options, including magnetic water production and metatherapy.
Ability to report in different shapes and forms.
No need for an expert operator and the ability to systematize in medical centers.
Less accurate than linear devices (up to 5%)
2. Bioresonance devices that work linearly and analyze each frequency in the body directly and separately.
Very high accuracy in analysis
The possibility of scanning microorganisms and pathology
The presence of an additional treatment option (production of magnetic water)
In addition to knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology, knowledge of bioresonance is required.
Scanning with this device takes a lot of time, for example, if we want to scan the whole body, we need more than 7 days.
It is not possible to scan body organs.
There is no metatherapy. (a fast and powerful treatment option)
Its software environment is digital.
It is not possible to output and send reports.
The operator of the device must be an expert and there is no systemization capability by ordinary operators in medical centers.
Analysis and integration of data and final diagnosis is the responsibility of the expert.
Bioresonance and electrical properties of tissues and cells
Bioresonance therapy works based on the electrical characteristics of tissues and cells, which is an inherent characteristic of our cells, so this characteristic and how it is formed will be explained first. This premise allows us to better understand the basic principles by which electromagnetic fields work. Magnetic waves are able to propagate, so they can transmit electrical energy to tissues and cells. These stimuli increase the membrane potential.
Living organisms are electric in nature due to the presence of charged ions, polar compounds and electric currents. Cells have an electrical potential, and the absence of this membrane potential indicates cell death.
This electrical potential moves along the nerve cells and transmits the message to the next cell, or this potential in the muscle cells leads to contraction.
The membrane potential in our cells leads to the difference in the concentration of different compounds between the outside and the inside of the cell, which ultimately creates a specific function in the cell.
As a result, the electromagnetic properties of cells direct many cellular processes.
In a cell that is limited by a membrane, between the inside (cytosol) and the extracellular space, there is a potential difference of about 70 to 100 millivolts, which we call the membrane potential. This potential difference allows the cell to perform all its metabolic functions. A healthy cell is able to maintain the balance of Na +, K +, Cl- ions inside and outside the cell and can keep the concentration of essential nutrients constant. (such as calcium and phosphate ions, protein anions).
When a lesion or disease occurs, depending on the severity, cell function and energy are lost, oxygen concentration in tissues decreases, and ATP production is insufficient. As a result, the activity of the sodium-potassium pump decreases and the voltage of the cell membrane decreases to -40 to -50 millivolts (in conditions of pain and chronic disease). This potential reduction in tumor cells is up to -15 millivolts.
Neurons, as cells that do not divide, have the highest membrane potential (-50 to -80 mV) and in contrast to cancer cells that grow and multiply at a high rate, they have a low membrane potential (0 to -30 mV). Research has shown that chlorine ion channels have different activity in cancer cells, which is caused by changes in the membrane potential of these cells.
This shows that it is possible to change the behavior of the cell by changing the electromagnetic characteristics of the cell, because it is the electromagnetic characteristics of the cell that control many of the cell’s functions, and in fact, due to this characteristic, the cells have a faster and more efficient level of interaction with their surroundings. have created In biological tissues, even small changes in membrane potential permeability can cause significant changes in cell function.
Cells use their electrical properties to control gene expression. It was found that the most important effect of electromagnetic waves is the stimulation of genes. Genes are the basic units of genetic information related to parts of DNA that are capable of producing proteins.
Electromagnetic waves lead to changes in gene expression with epigenetic changes (without changing the DNA sequence).
History of Bioresonance From when and where?
The history of bioresonance can help to better understand the concept and principles of bioresonance. The first person we introduce to you in relation to the history of Bioresonance is Abu Ali Sina. In most Russian, German and Russian sources, Abu Ali Sina is considered to be the first scientist who proposed the concept of resonance and the concept of internal harmonious vibrations for human health. Ibn Sina refers to a concept called internal harmony, which talks about being out of phase with the vibrations inside the human body. On this basis, Ibn Sina was able to coordinate the vital vibrations in the physical bodies of the patients who came to him through a series of special sounds and music, and through the internal harmony he created in the biological vibrations of the patients, he helped to cure diseases and improve their health. was doing So, in a way, Hakim Abu Ali Sina is known as the first scientist who points out the concept of internal harmony and co-frequency in biological environments and its impact on human health.
Tesla is considered to be one of the pioneers of electromagnetic science and in a way he is the discoverer of scalar waves. The use of scalar waves in treatment and health was first expressed by Tesla.
Tesla stated that in order to know the world, we should get to know energy, waves and frequency. He believed that if we can control the effect of external disturbing waves that have destructive effects on the natural waves of the body, we can create a state of maximum health and thereby prevent a person from contracting various diseases.
During the first Pahlavi era, devices were imported from Europe to Iran, which worked based on the effects of scalar waves on human health. At that time, these devices were called Tesla devices because it was very similar to Tesla’s name.
For the first time in 1925, Akhovsky became familiar with the effect of electromagnetic waves on biological environments. When a magnet accidentally fell into the pot of one of his plants, he observed that the growth of this plant was very different from other plants, and in this way he realized that electromagnetic waves have an effect on the biological behavior of living organisms, and after much research, he finally He came to the conclusion that all living cells, including human, animal and plant cells, produce electromagnetic waves of biological origin. The important point that Lakhovsky realized is that these waves have a fixed frequency in the cells of different tissues in different organisms, and through this frequency it is possible to identify these cells.
The study of bioreinforcement feedback therapy was initiated in 1923 by Russian scientist Alexander Gurevich. While researching the growth and development of onion plants, he found that the thing that regulates the growth of onion branches can pass through quartz glass but cannot pass through silicon glass. 50 years later, as technology developed, it was proven that Gurevich’s radiation was actually biological ultraviolet light emanating from onion DNA. It seems that onion buds influence each other by sending light waves.
American astronomer and biologist Gustav Stromberg claimed in 1936, with the approval of Gurevich, that the structure and growth of living organisms depend on “immaterial wave systems”. Later, the idea of bioresonance effect was investigated by Dr. Royal Rife. He was using a device that produces electromagnetic waves to treat the final stage of cancer. In 1934, this scientist treated 16 incurable patients who were in the final stages of cancer in the state of California.
After 3 months of treatment, 14 subjects discontinued treatment after definitive treatment. 2 other people continued treatment for 4 weeks and then were discharged in perfect health. Rife had built a virus microscope with unprecedented magnification. The construction of this microscope helped to determine the frequency of electromagnetic radiation that is oscillating due to the molecules and cells of the patient’s body. Then Rife acted on the molecules leading to their destruction. Over the course of several years, he developed a table that listed a summary of the frequencies needed to induce and eliminate certain diseases.
In 1933, Rife expanded this technology and built a highly sophisticated microscope that had about 6,000 different parts and was capable of magnifying objects up to 60,000 times. He was the first person to observe a live virus. Modern electron microscopes destroy almost everything, and as a result we are only able to see the remains of living organisms. Rife’s microscope was able to observe all viral activities. These living organisms change their shape in order to adapt to environmental changes, react quickly to carcinogenic substances and agents, and are able to change normal cells into tumor cells.
Rife identified the spectrum emitted by each microbe. He slowly rotates the block quartz prisms to focus light of a specific wavelength onto the microorganism being studied. This wavelength was chosen because it was absorbed by the microbe’s radiation spectrum: each molecule has its own oscillations. Atoms are held together by bonds. These molecules finally have their own electromagnetic field and only absorb it. Two different molecules cannot have the same electromagnetic oscillations and energy spectrum.
Resonance of light when combined like two ocean waves reinforce each other. As a result, microorganisms that cannot be seen in white light, become visible in the case of light reflection. As a result, Rife could see organisms that would not otherwise be visible, and he could observe their invasion of tissues. Rife identified the human cancer virus in 1920. He made 2,000 unsuccessful attempts to transform normal cells into tumor cells, and finally succeeded in identifying the cancer-causing virus, which he then injected into study animals to prove that the virus caused the same type of cancer in the cells.
He recorded everything with the help of videos, photos and detailed reports. The size of the cancer virus was very small. Its length was 1.15 micrometers and its width was 1.20 micrometers. No lens microscope could see the cancer virus in the 1980s. At that time, he was able to prove that carcinogenic microorganisms have 4 different forms. After that, many scientists and doctors confirmed the discovery of the cancer virus using different methods. At that time Rife was working with prominent scientists of that time. He then developed a method to destroy these tiny viruses.
He used the same principle that led to seeing viruses to destroy them. The principle of resonance was the reason for his success in killing viruses. By increasing the intensity of the frequency of the radiation that resonated with the microbes, Rife increased the intensity of the viruses’ natural oscillations until the viruses died. Rife called these frequencies deadly oscillations (MOR). This radiation was not harmful to the surrounding tissues. He spent many years doing research in this field. He worked steadily until he discovered the frequencies that killed herpes, polio, spinal meningitis, tetanus, influenza and a host of other dangerous germs.
In 1934, the University of Southern California appointed a special medical research committee to treat terminal cancer patients. This committee consisted of doctors and pathologists who had to examine patients treated with Rife technology. After 90 days, the committee concluded that 86.5% of patients had completely recovered and 13.5% had recovered within the next 4 weeks. As a result, the cure rate with the help of Rife’s technologies was 100%. On November 20, 1931, representatives of 44 prestigious medical institutions attended the Rife Banquet entitled “The End of All Diseases” organized by Dr. Milbank Johnson.
But by 1939, almost all of these scientists denied having met Rife. What caused so many famous scientists to lose their memory completely? Others heard about Rife’s miracles in connection with terminal cancer patients. At first, they tried to dissuade him from this treatment by paying a bribe. But since he refused to do so, they arrested him 125 times within 16 months. He was charged with unlicensed work. The prosecutor’s office prevented him from continuing his education. The pharmaceutical industry was against conducting treatment studies that cured 100% of patients with advanced cancer.
This treatment method, which did not cost much and was completely painless, could convince people that they did not need drugs. Rife spent decades collecting evidence for the effectiveness of his method. But photos, videos and written records were stolen from his lab and the thief was never caught. Trying hard to complete the missing documents, his precious virus microscopes were destroyed by someone. Multimillionaire Brent’s laboratory in New Jersey burned down due to a fire, and the police illegally confiscated the remaining components of his 50-year research. Hoyland was the only company that produced equipment for Rife, but was not his partner.
Hoyland lost a case in court and the company went bankrupt due to court costs and the commercial production of Rife equipment was completely stopped. Despite the absolute effectiveness of the Rife treatment method, due to the many efforts of pharmaceutical companies who considered the new treatment method a risk to their products. The treatment method was quickly forgotten. In 1940-1945 at Yale University, Professor Burr and other scientists conducted research. They discovered that all living things have an electric field and therefore a magnetic field.
Then, based on Chinese science, Reinhold Voll conducted experiments on certain parts of the body, which led to the improvement or deterioration of the function of certain organs. After doing a lot of research, Voll discovered that certain parts of the human skin have higher electrical potential and more nerve receptors than other parts. Therefore, electric acupuncture was born. In 1975, a German physicist named Pope proved that all biological processes in the organism occur due to the electromagnetic interaction of cells.
In fact, a complex interaction consisting of electromagnetic waves and photons is taking place in the body of living organisms, which is faster than communication through nerve fibers and hormones. In 1977, more research was done in this field when a scientist A German named Franz Morel and engineer Erich Rasche invented Mora Therapy.
During the research conducted by Morrell and his colleague, an antenna was produced that was able to transmit the vibrational information of medicines, including homeopathic medicines, over a distance to the patient’s body. Dr. Morrell notes this point in his research that, in his opinion, homeopathic medicines basically have a series of very weak electromagnetic vibrations that exert their biological effects on living organisms through these very weak electromagnetic vibrations.
During his research, he came to the conclusion that if the vibrational information and the frequency of electromagnetic waves of drugs can affect human health, then the vibrational information obtained from the patients’ bodies can also have such a property, and based on that, they designed devices that these devices It would capture bioelectromagnetic waves from the patient’s body and after performing a series of processes on it, it would re-emit these changed waves to the patient’s body. This led to positive changes in the natural bioelectromagnetic waves of the patient’s body, and again these changed waves were received, reprocessed, and in several loops of wave changes, the bioelectromagnetic state of the patient’s body approached its maximum natural state. became.
The next scientist whose activities you should be familiar with in the history of biresonance was Gatovsky (1993). For the first time, Gatofsky combined the possibilities of computer systems with modern bioresonance devices, and based on that, he was able to provide modern bioresonance diagnostic and therapeutic devices.
Based on the efforts made by bioresonance scientists, bioresonance clinics are currently operating in more than 80 countries of the world. In Germany, more than 10,000 doctors use this system for diagnosis and treatment. In Russia, there are more than 3 thousand active bioresonance clinics. The number of bioresonance clinics in the world is estimated to be over 40,000.
The term energy refers to the ability of a body or system to produce work. Every physical system contains (or stores) energy. Different types of energy are behind a wide range of natural phenomena.
Energy has many forms. All forms of energy fall into two categories: kinetic or dynamic energy.
The principle of conservation of energy
The term “nothing from nothing” (ex nihilo nihil) is one of the axioms coined by Parmenides (the ancient Greek philosopher) according to which nothing is created from zero and nothing is transformed into it.
The law of conservation of energy states that energy is neither created nor destroyed. When people consume energy, this energy does not disappear. Rather, this form of energy changes into another form of it.
Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency is the amount of useful energy received by a system. A fully efficient machine converts all the energy input into the machine into useful work. In fact, converting one form of energy into another form of it always involves converting it into used and unused energy. Energy transformations are not always practical.
Quantum physics
The world of quantum physics is a mysterious world that sheds light on the truth about our universe in ways that challenge the existing framework of accepted knowledge.
Quantum physicists have discovered that natural atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each of which contains energy. publish their unique If we really want to see ourselves and know what we are, we must come to the realization that we are really beings of energy and vibration that We radiate our unique energy. This is a fact that quantum physics has proven to us time and time again.
Atom has no physical structure, we do not have physical structure. Natural things really have no physical structure! Atoms are made of invisible energy, not tangible matter.
The discovery that the world, contrary to the theories of Newtonian physics, is not a collection of natural components and generally arises from intangible energy waves, is the result of the effort Albert Einstein, Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg.
Einstein and energy
By the early 20th century, science had complete confidence in Newton’s laws of motion, and it seemed that these laws could answer most questions in physics except for the ether. This belief persisted until 1905, a watershed year in physics in which Albert Einstein introduced the “special theory of relativity” and redefined how we perceive the universe as a whole.
Energy and mass equivalence equation
The theory of relativity predicts that every object has energy due to its mass.
The above equation was named by Einstein the energy of rest mass. Einstein discovered that energy and mass are actually two different but alternating aspects of the same universal matter, which we can call mass-energy for lack of a more appropriate term. Einstein’s simple and surprising equation is a mathematical formula for calculating the amount of energy equivalent to mass and vice versa.
Energy in Oriental Medicine
In Chinese philosophy, causal beings are composed of five symbolic elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.
These five elements are interacting with each other to find the right balance.
Yin and Yang are opposing forces that control life as well as the universe. Yin mainly affects the physical and material side, while Yang affects the psychological and spiritual side of a living being. When the yin increases in a person, the yang force decreases and vice versa. These opposing forces form the vital energy or Qi that circulates in our body. The term Qi is often used to describe the energy level of living organisms.
When there is an imbalance between yin and yang, the flow of energy is not correct and the harmony in the body is lost, and this lack of harmony manifests itself in the form of illness. Energy imbalances can be corrected with meridian acupuncture or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The aim of these treatments is to balance the yin and yang energy to restore the harmony of these five elements. Oriental medicine uses a more intuitive approach.
Oriental medicine takes a more intuitive approach and is used to relieve pain and treat a wide range of ailments, and is always used in combination with other healing modalities. It seems that oriental medicine along with bioresonance complementary treatment is a good option for treating diseases and chronic pain. In other words, considering that electromagnetic waves quickly raise the body’s energy level and open blocked energy channels; It can be pointed out that its function is aligned with the goals of acupuncture and it will have a significant effect as a complementary diagnosis and treatment along with acupuncture.