PEMF therapy
PEMF therapy Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy uses electromagnetic fields to restore the body’s natural mechanism and promote cellular health. PEMF coils in these devices
The Biophilia Lotus device, which is one of the newest and most advanced bioresonance devices, is able to scan different organs of the body, diagnose and treat diseases.
The advanced Lotus NLS device, as the newest bioresonance device, is capable of analyzing the frequency and vibrations of different organs at the level of cells and even chromosomes.
PEMF therapy Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy uses electromagnetic fields to restore the body’s natural mechanism and promote cellular health. PEMF coils in these devices
Specific frequency spectrum of organs and diseases Rife frequency therapy Rife’s universal microscope made it possible to observe living organisms (even viruses) with absolute clarity.
Bioresonance therapy The term “bioresonance therapy” (BRT) was coined in 1987 by Hans Brigman to describe treatment with the patient’s own oscillations. This form of
Clarke and the treatment of all diseases synchrometer Huldah Regher Clarke claimed that all human disease was due to parasitic infections and that he could
extracellular matrix Multicellular organisms are made up of specialized cells that are organized into tissues. Individual cells are in contact with and interact with other
Therapeutic use of fields and frequencies Living organisms and electromagnetic fields Many of the pulsed magnetic fields used in bio-electromagnetic devices are only briefly on-rhythm.
فرم مشاوره هوشمند ما با قابلیت تعیین زمان و نوع تماس میتواند برای رسیدن به نتیجه مطلوب به شما کمک کند، پس از تکمیل فرم توسط شما ، کارشناس مربوطه ، در زمان تعیین شده و از راه ارتباطی انتخاب شده با شما تماس خواهد گرفت.