Biophilia Lotus NLS device
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Biophilia Lotus NLS device is the newest, most up-to-date and best bioresonance device that can diagnose thousands of diseases by analyzing more than 900 items in the body.
Biophilia Lotus NLS bioresonance device is not only a diagnostic device but also one of the effective devices in the treatment of diseases.
Since some people may not have much information about the science of bioresonance, first we will provide explanations about the science of bioresonance and then we will discuss the features and operation of the Biophilia Lotus device as the best bioresonance device.
The reading of this article is suggested to fans of non-invasive diagnosis and treatment.
All cells, organs and tissues of the human body and even microorganisms have vibrations. Resonance also means vibration, which when preceded by the word “bio” means biological vibrations. The vibrations of body cells are electromagnetic, so firstly they have a frequency and secondly they can be measured due to their frequency. Of course, it should be noted that the wavelength (frequency) of the vibrations of body cells and organs are very weak and measuring them is a very difficult task. However, scientists from Germany, Russia and America have been able to measure bioelectromagnetic waves by designing different bioresonance devices. In the rest of this article, we will introduce the best bioresonance device.
The best bioresonance device Biophilia Lotus NLS
The Biophilia Lotus device is the newest, most up-to-date and best bioresonance device that can diagnose thousands of diseases by analyzing more than 900 items in the body. This bioresonance device is not only a diagnostic device but also one of the effective devices in the treatment of diseases. Since some people may not have much information about the science of bioresonance, first we will provide explanations about the science of bioresonance and then we will discuss the features and operation of the Biophilia Lotus device as the best bioresonance device. The reading of this article is suggested to fans of non-invasive diagnosis and treatment.
As mentioned in the previous section, all the cells of the human body have electromagnetic waves and these waves can be measured with bioresonance devices. This question has probably been raised to you, what is the reason for measuring the wavelength of the body’s electromagnetic waves? In response to this question, it is necessary to explain that the cells of different organs have specific wavelengths and if the frequency (wavelength) of cell vibrations is disrupted, a person will become ill. Therefore, measuring the frequency of electromagnetic waves of the body helps to diagnose and treat diseases.
Bioresonance therapy was first invented in 1977 by Franz Morel and his son-in-law in Germany, and so far other scientists from Russia, Germany and America have promoted the science of bioresonance therapy by building different bioresonance devices. Currently, Biophilia Lotus is one of the newest and best bioresonance devices and has many features compared to older bioresonance devices. In the following, we will introduce the capabilities of the best bioresonance device, or the Biophilia Lotus device.
What are the capabilities of the Biophilia Lotus NLS device as the best bioresonance device?
Biophilia Lotus NLS device is able to diagnose diseases by analyzing the frequency of bioelectromagnetic waves of the body. In addition, this device is able to introduce the necessary electromagnetic waves to correct the wavelength (frequency) of the cells’ vibrations into the body, according to the amount of disturbance in the frequency of the cells’ vibrations, thus treating the disease.
This treatment method is called Metatherapy. Of course, it should be noted that the Biophilia Lotus device does not only restore the wavelength of cells and treat the disease through metatherapy.
One of the reasons that made the Biophilia Lotus NLS device the best bioresonance device is having different capabilities to treat diseases, which we will mention below.
Among the features of the Biophilia Lotus NLS device that differentiates it from other bioresonance devices and has finally been chosen as the best bioresonance device are as follows:
Features of the bioresonance device in the field of disease diagnosis:
– 98% accuracy
– Able to analyze more than 900 items (including cells, organs and tissues and even chromosomes)
– Diagnosing thousands of diseases without the need for sampling and blood collection in a completely non-invasive way
– Ability to analyze the aura and chakras of the body
– Ability to choose the speed of review
– More flexibility in editing diagnostic reports
– The possibility of further comparison in the database
– Accurate anatomical structures
– Clearer diagnostic report
– Qualified with CE certificate (harmonization with European health standards)
– Supports higher image qualities.
– Diagnosis of infection in organs
– Measurement of safety level
– Evaluation of the level of sex hormones, thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, pancreas, etc.
– Has a quantum sensor
– 4D scanning capability
Some of the cells and organs that can be detected with the Biophilia Lotus NLS device are:
– Ciliated, blood, intestinal epithelium, vestibular, gastrointestinal endocine, electrical conduction system, air sac secretion, adrenal medulla chromophilic cells and endothelial cells and…
– Fallopian tubes and ovaries, breast lymphatic vessels, mammary gland, mammary gland tissue, ovum, longitudinal section of uterus
– Liver, lymphatic vessels of the liver, sagittal section of the liver, liver tissue
– Kidney, kidney vessels, kidney longitudinal section
– Heart, veins of the back and front wall of the heart, transverse section of the heart, heart valves, longitudinal section of the heart, ventricles of the heart, heart wall, electrical conduction system of the heart
Lungs and pleura, lung tissue
– Perinasal sinuses, nasal cavity mucosa
– Larynx cross section, larynx cross section
– Vertebral-spinal nerves, transverse section of the spinal cord
– testis, interstitial cells of the testis, prostate, transverse section of the pelvic chamber at the level of the prostate gland
– and…
Features of the bioresonance device in the field of treating diseases:
– Crystal therapy
– Phytotherapy
– Making non-chemical drugs
– Automatic Metatherapy
– Multiple metatherapy capability
– Improving the energy of the aura and chakras of the body
– Treatment of thousands of diseases (through crystal therapy, metatherapy, phytotherapy and non-chemical drugs)
Among the diseases and problems that can be treated with Biophilia Lotus NLS are:
Diabetes / inflammation and infection of uterine appendages (adnexitis) / chronic appendicitis / hernia / arteriosclerosis / atrial fibrillation / cervical protrusion / gallstones / infertility / arthritis / epilepsy / lung tumor / hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism / respiratory infection / hemorrhoids / Hypotension and hypertension / Goitre / Anemia / Unexplained headaches / Maxillary sinus sinusitis / Motor neuron disease / Parasitic infection / Muscular spasm syndrome / Skin dermatosis / Gastritis / Pancreatic inflammation / Optic nerve atrophy / Otitis media / Renal tumor / Schizophrenia / Liver toxicity / Myocardial dystrophy / Esophageal tumor / Obesity / Varicocele / Aortic dilatation / Papillomatosis (multiple warts) ) / Fasciola parasitic worm infection / coli infection / autoimmune thyroiditis / Alzheimer’s disease / disc herniation / Takayasu vasculitis and thousands Other problems and diseases
Checkup device for all body organs Biophilia Lotus NLS
Body checkup is important for all people, especially the elderly, so that they can be informed of possible problems or diseases and thus take the necessary measures for prevention or timely treatment.
The Biophilia Lotus device is a checkup device for all body organs. This device is one of the latest and most advanced bioresonance devices that can analyze more than 900 items and diagnose thousands of diseases.
In the following article, we will discuss in detail the features and operation of the Biophilia Lotus device.
The performance of the device for checking all body organs Biophilia Lotus NLS
If you have the symptoms of a disease, it is better to measure the vibration frequency of your relevant organ with a checkup device for all body organs to ensure that you are suffering from that disease. This work can be done by the Biophilia Lotus device with 98% accuracy. It should be noted that if there is a risk of contracting a certain disease in your family or relatives, you can check the relevant organ by this device to determine the possibility of contracting it. The disease was reported. Now, this question has probably come to you, how does the Biophilia Lotus device work?
In response, it should be mentioned that firstly, as mentioned in the previous parts, this device can diagnose various diseases by analyzing the frequency (wavelength) of the vibrations of the cell, tissue or relevant organ and analyzing it. In fact, a special headphone is placed on the person’s head. The checkup device for all body organs examines the wavelength of cell vibrations of the relevant organ. If the wavelength of the cells of that organ is different from the wavelength of the healthy cells of the same organ under investigation, according to the degree of disorder, the person is diagnosed as having a disease or susceptible to the disease.
In addition, it is necessary to explain that the results of the frequency analysis of cells, organs or body tissues are displayed for the specialist doctor through the monitor. Apart from the functioning of the Biophilia Lotus body checkup device, one of the frequently asked questions is related to the organs that can be analyzed by the Biophilia Lotus device. This device is capable of analyzing 900 items, which we have mentioned in the table below to some of the organs that can be analyzed by the Biophilia Lotus device.
Intestinal epithelial cells | Ciliated epithelial cells | Blood cells | vestibular cells |
Gastrointestinal endocrine cells | Cells of electrical conduction system | Air sac secretory cell | Prostate |
ovary | testicle | Bladder | Cross section of fallopian tubes |
Transverse section of trachea | Cross section of the larynx | gall bladder | liver |
teeth | Interlobular bile duct | Cerebral nerve nuclei | Middle level of the telencephalon |
Vertebral-spinal nerves | Breast lymphatic vessels | Neutrophil | Eosinophil |
pharyngeal tonsil | Adrenal gland | Exocrine center cell | Lungs and pleura |
Amorphous dense connective tissue of the iris | Smooth muscle myocyte | Wall of the eyeball | organ of hearing |
duct of the mammary gland | Cross section of the middle ear cochlea | sinuses around the nose | Follicular cells of the ovaries |
The angle between the iris and the cornea | Red bone marrow | Superficial lymphatic vessels of the hand | thymus gland |
Cells of the fascicular zone | lung tissue | Pituitary gland | lymph node |
In general, the Biophilia Lotus NLS device is capable of checking and analyzing the stomach-intestinal system, tracheal-pulmonary system, cardiovascular-vascular system, skeletal-muscular system, endocrine system, urinary-genital system, visual and hearing organs and sensors. and in fact it has the advantage of analyzing all the important and vital systems of the body and hence it is called the checkup device of all the organs of the body.
The Biophilia Lotus device is capable of biochemical analysis of blood without invasive methods to detect the following:
– Infection in organs
– Qualitative assessment of pituitary, pancreas, adrenal, thyroid, gonad hormone levels
– Safety level
– Allergy diagnosis
Some of the cells and organs that can be detected with the Biophilia Lotus NLS device are:
– Very high accuracy (98% accuracy)
– With four-dimensional scanning capability
– Very high scanning speed
– Has a quantum sensor
– Has multiple meta-therapy capabilities
Frequently asked questions In relation to the device for checking all the organs of the body
Yes, this device has the ability to analyze chromosomes. Therefore, the diagnosis of hereditary diseases is also done by this device.
The Biophilia Lotus device is the most uncomplicated checkup device for all body organs, and its use is non-invasive, without any side effects.
Yes, the Biophilia Lotus device has a CE certificate (harmonization with European health standards).
Yes, this device is capable of analyzing the aura and the seven chakras of the body.
Biophilia Lotus NLS device
As mentioned, the Biophilia Lotus NLS device is one of the bioresonance devices. Resonance means vibration. Nikolas Tesla, one of the names of the scientific fields, believed that “everything has a frequency and a vibration. And this has been completely proven in relation to the cells of the body, that the cells of different organs of the body have waves with a specific and constant wavelength (frequency). Therefore, the idea of making bioresonance devices that are able to diagnose and even treat diseases by measuring the wavelength of cell vibrations was formed. There are various bioresonance devices, Biophilia Lotus is one of the newest and most advanced devices in the market. In the following, we will specifically discuss how to diagnose and treat diseases by this device.
Biophilia Lotus NLS is the newest and most advanced bioresonance device, the basis of which is the diagnosis and treatment of diseases by analyzing and restoring cell vibrations. Since it has been proven that all the cells and organs of the body have vibrations with a specific and fixed wavelength, therefore, bioresonance devices such as the Biophilia Lotus NLS device, with a mechanism based on this, are able to analyze different organs to identify diseases. They are different and also the treatment of the disease. In the following article, we will discuss in detail how the Biophilia Lotus device works and its capabilities. Therefore, we suggest you stay with us until the end of this article.
Diagnosing the disease using the Biophilia Lotus NLS device
The living cells of our body, such as microorganisms and animal cells, have electromagnetic vibrations. Different cells have vibrations with different frequencies, and the important thing is that the vibrations of the cells of different organs have a fixed and specific frequency during health. That is, the liver cells have a fixed and specific frequency in different people.
If a person gets a disease, the wavelength of the vibrations of the cells related to that disease changes. Since technologies such as artificial intelligence have been used in the manufacture of bioresonance devices, therefore, the wavelength of the cells of different tissues and organs of the body is available in the form of data in Biophilia Lotus devices.
Therefore, the Biophilia Lotus NLS device first receives and analyzes the frequency (wavelength) of the vibrations of the cells of the patient’s organ or tissue, and if there is a slight difference compared to the frequency of healthy cells, the results of the analysis are provided to the doctor in the form of a graph. to give Since the Biophilia Lotus device is one of the newest bioresonance devices, therefore, cell frequency analysis and disease diagnosis are performed by this device with the least possible error (with 98% accuracy).
Since this device analyzes the vibration frequency of body cells to diagnose the disease, therefore, with the help of this device, it is possible to predict the possibility of people suffering from various diseases. Therefore, in addition to the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, with the help of the Biophilia Lotus NLS device, it is possible to prevent various diseases by predicting the probability of the occurrence of the disease.
Organs that can be analyzed by the Biophilia Lotus NLS device
The Biophilia Lotus NLS device is capable of analyzing more than 900 items of body organs. For your familiarity, we will mention some of the organs that can be analyzed by the Biophilia Lotus NLS device. These organs are:
– Dense amorphous connective tissue
– Endothelial cells
– Sacral lumbar network
– Transverse section of the larynx
– Transverse section of the naige
– Lung tissue
– Mucous gland
– transverse trachea
– sinuses around the nose
– Cerebral vessels of the upper part of the head
– Abdominal and thoracic autonomic nervous system
– Stomach nerves
– Neurostat cross section
– Ovary
– Eyeball
– Spermatozoa
– Bladder wall
– Eardrum
– Hair cuticle
– Mammary gland
– Labyrinth of the ear
– Mammary gland tissue
– Ophthalmic vessels
– Duct of the mammary gland
– Lymphatic vessels
– Blood cells
– Thyroid gland
– and…
Treatment of diseases with the help of Biophilia Lotus NLS device
As mentioned, the Biophilia Lotus NLS device is one of the bioresonance devices, so the treatment is also done through vibrations. Since each organ has energy of a certain length, therefore, if the frequency of the cells is disturbed or the energy channels (chakras) are blocked, disease will occur. Biophilia Lotus NLS device treats the disease in two ways after detecting which body tissue or organ has a problem:
In the first method, by means of a device similar to headphones, electromagnetic waves with a certain wavelength and appropriate to the disease are sent into the body of the patient, and in fact, with vibrational interventions, he corrects and balances the energy and vibrations of the cells involved in the disease. does
In the second method, after examining and diagnosing the disease, he analyzes the drugs related to the disease and then introduces the best drug with a greater effectiveness compared to other drugs, and then according to the amount of frequency necessary to correct the vibrations of the relevant cells, It produces non-chemical medicine (homeopathy) for the patient. For the production of medicine, the frequency spectrum package is irradiated by the crystal in the resonance cup on water or oil, and in this way, the non-chemical medicine specific to the Biophilia Lotus NLS device is made.
Diseases that can be treated with the Biophilia Lotus NLS device
Biophilia Lotus NLS device is able to treat thousands of disorders and diseases, below we will mention some symptoms (problems) and diseases that can be treated by Biophilia Lotus device:
– Headache
– Insomnia
– Dizziness
– Reduced vision
– Impotence
– Dry mouth
– Urinary incontinence
– Painful menstruation
– Allergy
– Hernia
– Cervical protrusion
– Gallstones
– Infertility
– Intestinal inflammation
– Cardiac rheumatism
– Goiter
– Respiratory infection
– Herpes
– Hemorrhoid (hemorrhoids)
– Low blood pressure
– High blood pressure
– Heart attack
– Liver tumor
– obesity
– Brain tumor
– Uterine fibroid
– Migraine
– Varicocele
– Cataracts
– Inflammation of the prostate
– Liver cirrhosis
– Bladder tumor
– Kidney stones
– and…
Features of Biophilia Lotus NLS device
There are various bioresonance devices, the newest of which is the Biophilia Lotus NLS device. The following are the unique features of this device compared to other bioresonance devices:
– Faster review
– Ability to choose the speed of review
– Clearer diagnostic report
– More exploration programs
– Automatic Metatherapy
– Automatic determination of the entropy index
– The possibility of further comparison in the database
– Accurate anatomical structures
– More flexibility in editing the diagnostic report
– Assessment of chakras
– and…
Biophilia Lotus body frequency analysis device
Biophilia Lotus NLS device is a frequency analysis device of all body organs, which is used to diagnose thousands of diseases and even predict diseases. The Biophilia Lotus device is a device that analyzes different body organs in a completely non-invasive way. Of course, it goes without saying that this device has many functions in addition to diagnosis in the field of treatment. In the following, we will briefly discuss the therapeutic approach of this device and its diagnostic part in detail.
Production history of the frequency analysis device of all body organs
Scientists like Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla believed that everything vibrates. Years later, it was proved that not only matter, but all the cells of the human body and even microorganisms have vibrations. Since vibrations have a frequency, the cells of the human body also have vibrations with a specific frequency (wavelength). Frequency can be measured. As a result, the frequency (wavelength) of body cells can also be measured. Therefore, the device for analyzing the frequency of all body organs was built to diagnose diseases.
In this regard, it should be mentioned that the diagnosis and treatment of the disease by measuring the frequency of cells and induction of electromagnetic waves is called bioresonance therapy. Bioresonance therapy was invented by Franz Morel and his son-in-law engineer Erich Rache in 1977 in Germany. Since 1977, many diagnostic and therapeutic devices have been made with bioresonance approach, of which Biophilia Lotus device is one of the newest and most advanced ones.
Function of the frequency analysis device of all body organs
This device is able to examine more than 900 items (including cells, tissues, organs and even chromosomes) in terms of frequency. The Biophilia Lotus device includes a monitor, a special headphone and a chamber for producing non-chemical drugs. In order to be analyzed by the body frequency analyzer, a person must sit in front of the monitor.
Then the doctor puts special headphones on his head. According to the person’s problem and symptoms, the specialist doctor selects the cells of the relevant tissue or organ in the device so that its frequency can be checked by the device. The device starts to analyze the wavelength of the relevant organ cells and displays the result on the monitor.
✓ Lung tissue ✓ Mucous gland ✓ Tracheal section
✓ Cross section of the larynx ✓ Cross section of the trachea ✓ Perinasal sinuses
✓ Transverse section of spinal cord ✓ Follicular cells of ovaries ✓ Epithelium of uterine tubes
✓ Ovary and eggs ✓ Prostate ✓ Transverse section of the optic nerve
✓ Mammary gland ✓ Ear labyrinth ✓ Hair bulb
✓ crystalline lens of the eye ✓ skin of the sole of the foot ✓ organ of hearing
✓ Lymphatic vessels of the neck and armpit ✓ Lymphatic vessels of the back and front wall of the stomach
✓ Lymphatic vessels of the back and front wall of the pancreas ✓ Lymphatic vessels between the chest (mediastinum)
✓ Pelvic lymphatic vessels ✓ Breast lymphatic vessels ✓ Palate tonsils
✓ Thyroid and parathyroid glands ✓ Pituitary gland ✓ Adrenal gland
✓ Hypothalamus nucleus ✓ Female chromosome series ✓ Male chromosome series
✓ Chromosomes of category A, B, C, D, E, F and G ✓ Testicle ✓ Nasal mucosa
The mentioned cases are only a small part of the tissues and organs that can be analyzed with the Biophilia Lotus NLS device to diagnose diseases. In general, the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal-intestinal system, skeletal-muscular system, urinary-genital system, tracheo-pulmonary system, endocrine system, visual and auditory organs and sensors can be analyzed with the Biophilia Lotus NLS device. to be
The main functions of the frequency analysis device of all body organs are:
– Vegito test to show the best frequency for consistent and appropriate treatment
– The ability to analyze 12 major body systems, hundreds of organs, cells, glands and thousands of diseases
– Analysis of different types of drugs on organs and the ability to predict and observe the effect of different types of drugs, foods, performance and emotions on the analyzed organs
– Rebuilding the energy spectrum in the early stages of the disease or before the disease appears.
– Analysis of entropy values (disorder) which are graded from 1 to 7.
– Biofield analysis of microorganisms
– Determining the anatomical biofield energies that are displayed in the range 1 to 6.
– Pathomorphological etalon indicators of biological field
Frequently asked questions In relation to the frequency analysis device of all body organs
no Wavelength analysis of cellular vibrations and detection through body frequency analysis devices (such as the Biophilia Lotus device) is non-invasive and does not require blood sampling.
Since this device is one of the newest body frequency analysis devices, it has a very high accuracy of 98%.
Yes, since the basis of the work of the Biophilia Lotus device is to analyze the frequency of cells, it is able to identify even the cells that have changed slightly in their frequency, and as a result predict the possibility of a person suffering from various diseases. slow nose
Since the Biophilia Lotus device uses electromagnetic waves with a very low wavelength for diagnosis and treatment, and it is a completely non-invasive method without the use of harmful waves, it does not have any side effects.