PEMF therapy

PEMF therapy

PEMF therapy Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy uses electromagnetic fields to restore the body’s natural mechanism and promote cellular health. PEMF coils in these devices create an electromagnetic field. Benefits of PEMF therapy Stronger bones Endorphins and pain relief Better sleep and HGH secretion More ATP energy Better oxygenation and blood circulation Improve safety Relaxation […]

Specific frequency spectrum of organs and diseases

Specific frequency spectrum of organs and diseases

Specific frequency spectrum of organs and diseases Rife frequency therapy Rife’s universal microscope made it possible to observe living organisms (even viruses) with absolute clarity. This was the first step in finding cures for diseases, as he wanted to see how living organisms reacted to different stimuli. So he finally found a way to destroy […]

Bioresonance therapy

Bioresonance therapy

Bioresonance therapy The term “bioresonance therapy” (BRT) was coined in 1987 by Hans Brigman to describe treatment with the patient’s own oscillations. This form of therapy is based on Morel’s theory. This idea can be briefly expressed as follows: all diseases and their pathological conditions are associated with certain electromagnetic fluctuations or are caused by […]

Clarke and the treatment of all diseases

Clarke and the treatment of all diseases

Clarke and the treatment of all diseases synchrometer Huldah Regher Clarke claimed that all human disease was due to parasitic infections and that he could cure all diseases, including cancer and HIV, by eliminating them with electrical devices he had built. According to Clark, all diseases are caused by foreign organisms and pollutants that adversely […]

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